Monday, June 1, 2020

Uterus Removal Surgery | Mehta Hospital

Promising you good health

Health is what facilitates life. To be healthy is a blessing, a blessing not everyone can carry. Every entity in the medical field strives to do their best to be a miracle to people in need. Mehta Hospitals has been doing just that for almost a century now! We, at Mehta’s know how important the medical field is and how it can transform or impact people’s lives. We have seen it all; from the worst to the best. Through experience and expertise, we have grown. And you may confidently put all your trust in us.

Uterus removal surgery:

Over the years, we have come across many cases and it has only broadened our specializations. Uterus removal surgery is one among the many. It is a necessity for some to have their uterus removed. Reasons may differ but it is all for the purpose of better health and well being. The uterus removal surgery has relieved a lot of our patients from distress and unhealthy being. If you are in need of such a surgery, you know exactly where to go. We promise you good care, hygienic procedures and everything in favour of you.

The testimonies from our patients help us move forward, infact, gives us the push to work even better. And if you have trouble finding a good Hospital for yourself or your loved one, reach out to us and our testimonies would help you decide. Your well being will always be our only driving force.

Contact Us


№2, McNichols Rd,
3rd Lane Chetpet,
Chennai — 600 031
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone :+91–44–42271001


Best Hospitals in Chennai | Mehta Hospital

Best for you means best for us 

The importance of healthcare is often ignored. We think to ourselves, “it is only a pain”, “it is not worse yet”, “I can bear it”. While all these may be true, what is also uncertain is what may come after that. The what ifs are turned to bad news in no time. Health is of utmost importance, especially in a time like this, because, it is what holds our life together. So, it is never too late to get yourself checked for even the slightest things. You will never know what it may accumulate into. Why put your or your loved one’s life at stake as a result? Change your route to the Best Hospitals in Chennai right away.

Visit us at Mehta Hospital and say goodbye to your health related issues. Being one of the best Hospitals in Chennai, you can place your faith in us. We understand how gracious and beautiful the gift of life is and we are here to help you in the process of getting better. Our promise is our full effort, nothing less than a hundred percent. Due to the vast experience we hold, we are undoubtedly one of the best Multispeciality Hospitals in Chennai. Any type of care you need, we are here to provide for you. We will take care of you like we are family.

What makes us one of best Multispeciality Hospitals in Chennai is your faith in us. It helps us to serve you with all our might, expertise and care.

Contact Us
Website :

No.2, McNichols Rd,

3rd Lane Chetpet,

Chennai – 600 031

Tamil Nadu, India

Phone :+91-44-42271001
