Neurology is a part of the vast domain of medicine that focuses on the treatment and cure of disorders occurring in the human nervous system. It includes diagnosis and therapy of all ailment related to the central and peripheral nervous system (autonomic and somatic). A Neurologist is a physician whose expertise lies in providing a remedy to the patient’s syndrome by treating the peripheral nerves, blood vessels, muscles, brain, and spinal cord. Neurology is a nonsurgical specialty while its corresponding surgical specialty is called Neurosurgery. Neurologists are generally involved in medical activities that include clinical research, clinical trials, and basic or translational research; whereas, neurosurgeons specialize in the surgical treatment of organs related to the nervous system. Few signs of neurological conditions include epilepsy, recurrent headache, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
In case of being recommended by the primary healthcare provider or family doctor it is essential to consult a neurologist. Here are five ways to choose the best neurologist in Chennai:
Gather Referrals from a primary healthcare provider, family doctor, friends, colleague or other healthcare providers. Evaluate each referred doctor in the list and take time to explore their credential and experience. After narrowing down on your preference make an appointment with the neurologist and decide on whether you’d want to continue with their treatment or choose another physician.
Experience of the physician necessary to conduct diagnosis and treatment of you or your family becomes essential when facing a severe neurological disease. An experienced physician usually has a higher chance of success when treating the patient. You can ask the consulting neurologist about their experience of treating similar or the same syndromes.
Communication skills are necessary to interact with patients and their family members. Most patients usually panic when asked to consult a neurologist, thus the consulting physician should be able to make them feel comfortable and welcomed before beginning the diagnosis and be transparent about the treatment procedure they would use. Treating neurological conditions requires both patient and doctor to discuss freely and maintain good two-way communication. With good communication ability and sophisticated scans, the physician would be able to give better treatment.
Neurologist’s Credentials are key factors which should be considered before booking an appointment. Certifications, educational experience and training are essential documents which help patients understand a neurologist’s qualification to provide them treatment.
Treatment Facility is just as important as the qualification of the neurologist. Finding the best neurologist in Chennai alone isn’t enough. The doctor’s hospital is your hospital, thus the hospital’s quality plays a critical role in post-treatment patient care. Top-rated hospitals offer better survival rates due to quality patient care lowering any chance of mishaps or complications from occurring.
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